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External Links

Alternatives Incorporated works in cooperation with many organizations to provide our services. Links to associated services and service providers may be found below.
Provides legal support and advocacy for survivors of institutionalized sexual abuse.
Provides resources for those experiencing domestic violence and substance abuse.
Drug and alcohol addiction rehab, treatment, and recovery resources in Indiana.

Helping Survivors
A resource center for people who have been impacted by sexual assault and abuse.

Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness
Policy Research Organization Focused on Family Homelessness

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Provides resources and training on all aspects of domestic violence

Indiana VINE
Provides victim information and notification

Resource for survivors of child sexual abuse and their families

Love Is Respect
National teen dating abuse helpline

Maryville University - Understanding the Me Too Movement: A Sexual Harassment Awareness Guide
Article outlining the history of the Me Too movement, facts about sexual harassment, and options available for someone who has been sexually harassed. 

National Alliance to End Homelessness
National resource organization on homelessness

National Deaf Domestic Violence Hotline
The Deaf Hotline has advocates available 24/7 for crisis intervention, education, information and referrals for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled callers. Click to visit their site; call 855-812-1001; or email at

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National resource organization on domestic violence

National Coalition for the Homeless
National resource organization on homelessness

National Network to End Domestic Violence
National resource organization on domestic violence

National Runaway Switchboard
National resource organization for America's runaway, homeless and at-risk youth

National awareness campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault

Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime Victims Center
Community support and assistance on issues related to Megan's Law, sex offender management, and sexual assault prevention

Prevent Child Abuse America
National resource organization on child abuse

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
National hotline for victims of sexual assault

Guide to Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence

Student Safety Guide
Critical safety issues and proactive ways to minimize risk at school

Violence Against Women - U.S. Department of Justice
Provides oversight of the Violence Against Women Act