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Sexual Assault Services


Sexual assault and domestic violence are often intertwining issues. Alternatives Incorporated has a team of trained personnel available 24 hours a day to provide crisis response and advocacy for victims of rape and sexual assault. In our six-county service area, we provide crisis response for the following hospitals: Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Anderson; Ascension St. Vincent Mercy; Community Hospital Anderson; Hancock Regional Hospital; and IU Health Tipton Hospital. Our advocates can assist survivors with filing a protective order and support them through the legal system. 

Alternatives Inc. partners with the Sexual Assault Treatment Center (SATC) at Community Hospital Anderson to better serve sexual assault survivors. When you or someone you care about has been sexually assaulted there is a place where immediate medical and forensic treatment is available. The healing can begin at the SATC.

Don't suffer in silence; don't suffer alone; don't suffer from the worry of the unknown. There is a place of compassion, of affirmation, of healing, and of hope. Reclaim power and control and take the first step.

The Sexual Assault Treatment Center is available to any person who has been sexually assaulted. The SATC is staffed by sexual assault nurse examiners. These registered nurses have received advanced training in proper forensic evidence collection and preservation. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Access is easy. Simply go to the Emergency Department at Community Hospital Anderson, and the triage nurse will alert SATC staff of your arrival.

The SATC offers a team approach in the investigation of the sexual assault involving law enforcement, prosecutors, victim advocates and child protective services when appropriate. In addition to the medical/forensic examination, antibiotics to guard against sexually transmitted infections, and emergency contraceptive medication are available.

Because many times the police keep clothing as a part of the investigation process, new clothing and toiletry items are provided, as well as a shower facility. Counseling services are available through Aspire Indiana. Appropriate referrals will be given for additional needs, such as HIV and hepatitis testing.

All services are provided free of charge for those seeking treatment.

Know the facts:

  • Sexual assault is a CRIME of violence, power and control
  • One out of every three females will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime
  • One out of every six men will be sexually assaulted in his lifetime
  • In 80% of all sexual assaults, the person knows the attacker
  • Less than 20% of sexual assaults are reported

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted:

  • Go to a safe place
  • Do not shower, bathe or brush your teeth
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke
  • Do not use the toilet, but if you must, do not wipe with toilet tissue
  • Do not change your clothing
  • Go to the Emergency Department at Community Hospital Anderson immediately, you will connected with the SATC

For more information, call the Sexual Assault Treatment Center at (765) 622-2077.